Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Sweet eats

In general I am a pretty healthy eater but I do have a sweet tooth and love enjoying sweet treats on a regular basis!

My current favourites are:

I love this custard! It is strange because I never liked non-vegan custard but I really like this stuff. I tend to eat it cold straight out of the box! It is also much healthier than it sounds. It is fortified with both calcium and vitamin B12 and naturally contains omega 3 and 6!

This is not quite as healthy but definitely just as delicious! It is sooo creamy and tasted to me like I remember 'luxury' dairy ice cream! My omni dad had a spoonful and really liked it but I was enjoying it so much I wouldn't let him eat any more!! Heheee!

1 comment:

The Voracious Vegan said...

I love that vegan custard too! Unfortunately they can never seem to keep it in stock here in Bahrain. I love your blog, keep up the good work!