Saturday, 9 February 2008

Mmm pasta

Lately I have really been craving comfort food, which usually means pasta with some sort of creamy/ cheesy sauce. So that is exactly what I have been making!

First up I made spaghetti carbonara, which involved 'cheatin rashers' bacon, Cheezley, soya milk and my usual wholemeal spaghetti. It was really yummy!

I was really craving something similar for dinner this evening and knew I had some Cheddareeze in the cupboard so decided to have a generous amount over a tomato and garlic sauce with the same pasta. It hit the spot nicely!

1 comment:

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Wow, well you beat me, because you've been vegetarian for ten years! That's amazing! I first went vegetarian when I was eight... but it only lasted a week!

Mmmmm pasta is definitely comfort food in my book ;o)